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Peter Bjoerk - 5 Kilometres

The ease of modern travel means we have gotten used to the possibility of being able to go anywhere, anytime. Be it to explore some foreign paradise, take a trip to the city, visit a loved one, or simply go to work. Until recently that is. The recent lockdown in Ireland during the height of the pandemic removed these privileges, taking away our freedom to ensure the safety of others, and rightly so. But when the travel bug bites there is still adventure to be found, even if it’s just exploring the local surroundings. A short drive to a nearby lake is a welcome escape from the isolation. The view from the window is a reminder of our ever-changing world in motion, as the scenes change like the wind and the days. The images, captured on medium format film, represent a journey for me as well as the viewer as I seek to find beauty in the mundane and come to appreciate the importance of perspective.

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